Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the YRCAA?

The YRCAA is an air pollution control authority formed pursuant to RCW 70A.15.1500 and RCW 70A.15.1510.  The YRCAA is a regulatory agency that controls the emission of pollutants in the air in accordance with state statutes and regulations and is considered a municipal corporation and a political subdivision of the State.  As a regulatory agency, the YRCAA serves neither as an advocacy organization nor a pollution elimination authority, but works to limit air contaminants to those levels deemed safe by state and federal authorities.

What does the YRCAA do?

The YRCAA ensures compliance with the federal and state clean air acts and the regulations pursuant to them.  This is accomplished through monitoring and reporting the air quality, assisting businesses in complying with various applicable rules, investigating complaints about air pollution, and providing public education about the existence and prevention of air pollution.

What areas does the YRCAA serve?

The YRCAA service area is limited to Yakima County and is generally comprised of that portion of the County outside of the Yakama Nation Reservation.  This is the area approximately north of the Ahtanum Ridge and northeast of the Yakima River with the addition of Mabton and the areas to its east and south.  The area within the boundary of the Yakama Nation Reservation falls within the jurisdiction of the Yakama Nation and the US Environmental Protection Agency that are responsible for permitting, investigations, inspections, and other compliance and enforcement action.  However, the YRCAA does operate certain state-level programs such as the Residential Wood Smoke Reduction Program on non-tribal properties within the Reservation boundaries.

Areas east of the County fall within the jurisdiction of the Benton Clean Air Agency.  Areas west of the County fall within the jurisdiction of the Southwest Clean Air Agency.  Areas north and south of the County fall within the jurisdiction of the Wash. Dept. of Ecology.  Areas northwest of the County fall within the jurisdiction of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency.  A map is available showing the local air pollution control authorities across the state.

Does the YRCAA collect property taxes?

No.  Air pollution control authorities are authorized to levy property taxes (upon a three-fifths majority vote) pursuant to RCW 70A.15.1580.  However, it has never done so.

How is the YRCAA funded?

The YRCAA is funded primarily through fees charged to industry.  However, the YRCAA does receive funding from the incorporated cities within Yakima County and the County itself (for unincorporated areas) at an annual rate of $0.48 per capita (as of 2025) pursuant to RCW 70A.15.1600.  The Agency also receives additional monies through certain federal and state grants.

Where do I get Information about Air Pollution?

Yakima Clean Air has public education information available in English and Spanish. Some of these publications are posted on this website.

What is the Air Quality Index (AQI)?


Where is the Air Quality Measured?

In Yakima County, air quality monitors are located in downtown Yakima and on the east side of Sunnyside.  These Our Agency has real time reporting monitors for particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PM10) at the Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health Building, 402 So. 4th Ave. The hourly results from these monitors are reported on this website. In addition our Agency operates non-real time monitors to determine compliance with federal standards at the following locations:
PM10 - Comprehensive Mental Health, Yakima and Harrison Middle School, 
Sunnyside; and
PM2.5 - Comprehensive Mental Health.

What is the Air Quality History in Yakima County?

Since the early 1990's the air quality trends for both particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PM10) and carbon monoxide (CO) have been improving as measured by the daily and annual average measurements. From May to October of 1999 Yakima Clean Air and the WA State Department of Ecology did a study which determined that ground level ozone is not currently an air pollution concern in the Upper Valley.

What causes Indoor Air Quality Problems?

The cause of poor indoor air quality can be difficult to determine, but many times it is associated with poor ventilation, high air moisture levels, or emissions from new carpet or furniture.

Where can I get Information on Indoor Air Quality?

This website has a link to a U. S. Environmental Protection Agency website with indoor air quality information. Consulting industrial hygienists can sample for the agents causing indoor air quality problems and make recommendations.

Burning even clean dry wood produces air pollutants like carbon monoxide, small particulate and a host of toxic compounds that cause cancer and exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

How do I Register using Express Bill Pay?

Instruction for Paying Online Registration - 2016

Dear Registered Source:

Last year we developed a system to make the registration process easier and faster for customers.   You are now able to complete, submit and pay your registration forms and fees online.  

Fillable forms are available on the YRCAA website at  Click “Forms and Registration” complete and submit the form(s) that applies to your facility. 

Registration invoices can be paid through YRCAA’s main page or under “Forms and Registration”. Click to select your registration class and pay online. 

If you created an account through Express Bill Pay last year, invoices can be paid through that account or you can pay using our website as stated above. 

If you prefer to open an account with Xpress Bill Pay, the following is how to register through their website: 

1.      Go to;

2.      Click the “Go” button below “New to Xpress Bill Pay?” and complete the short registration form including email and password;

3.      Select your billing organization and follow the prompts for linking your bill; and 

4.      Once your bill is added to your account, you can view and pay your bill online or set up a recurring auto payment schedule. 

You still have the option of mailing in your registration forms and fees; however, we strongly encourage you to complete your registration online.   

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (509) 834-2050 ext. 105 or ext. 107.  Thank you.

Does the YRCAA prohibit the use of natural gas for heating or cooking?

No.  Prohibiting the use of natural gas (including propane, kerosene, etc.) for heating, cooking, or other similar uses is not allowed under RCW 70A.15.1110 which states, "An authority shall not in any way prohibit, penalize, or discourage the use of gas for any form of heating, or for uses related to any appliance or equipment, in any building."

When can I burn residential yard debris?

Residential outdoor burning is allowed starting March 15 and continuing through October 15 each year with a permit.  Residential burn permits can be purchased from the Agency at its office or from various retail outlets (see for a list of retail locations).  Only natural vegetation may be burned.  The burning of other materials (such as clothing, tires, trash, plastic, lumber, and metal) and/or the use of a burn barrel or similar device is strictly prohibited and may result in a substantial fine!  Burning (even with a permit) is not allowed if an air quality (by the Agency), fire safety (by the Yakima County Fire Marshal), or state-wide (by the Governor) burn ban is in effect at the time (it is common for a fire safety burn ban to cover July and August and may cover substantial portions of June and/or September depending on the year).

Why can't I purchase a Residential Burn Permit before March 15?

The sale of Residential Burn Permits coincides with their effective date by design.  In years past, the Agency sold such permits in advance of the date they became valid.  However, it was inundated with calls from people asking if they could begin burning or filing complaints regarding people who had ignored the effective date and started burning immediately upon--or shortly after--purchasing a permit despite the fact it was not yet valid.  To avoid this, the Agency adopted the current practice of restricting the sale of Residential Burn Permits until the day they can legally be used.

Sign up for Burn Ban Alerts

Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency
186 Iron Horse Court, Suite 101
Yakima, WA. 98901
Phone: (509) 834-2050

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